Core” comes from the French word “cour” which is most commonly used as “heart”, i.e. “getting to the heart of the matter.”

Therefore, CORE is a ministry of “en-cour-agement”, building heart and increasing “cour-age” in relationships. This is an “inside-out” model of personal growth and community health. The  logo has a strong foundational font, yet imperfect. The wood rings represent various organic seasons of maturity, including new growth coming out of the old growth. There is also an almost imperceivable heart within the heartwood, at the core, that continues to grow.

Healthy people are the core of a healthy community.

Through intentional collaboration with a myriad of complementary sources we will leverage the best of all of us. Individuals will be served, yet for the ultimate purpose of healthy relationships with others; marriages, families, friends, employment, and our communities.

This will include a variety of approaches such as mentoring, life coaching, counseling, training, and consulting. It will also include connecting with other vital resources such as food banks, shelter, transportation, legal services, physical health, medical care, etc. as needed to minister to the whole person.

CORE-co = CORE connections, CORE counseling, CORE collaborations, CORE consulting, CORE coaching

CORE is supported with the braided funding of donations, fee for service, and grant and foundation resources. 

Meet Terry Rogers - Executive Director {coming soon}

Meet the Board - {coming soon}